Afghanistan is facing a lot of challenges, approximately 85 percent of them live on less than one dollar a day and don’t have access to the basic needs to feed their kids and provide them a two-time-bread. The local economy is also damaged, have nothing to continue life, and the heads of families are frustrated to their kid’s future. They are not concerned that their kids are not attending schools, but they ‘re sad that their kids are hungry and have not food to eat.
In eastern Afghanistan, Nangarhar, VDO has reached to the most remote villages of Dara-E-Noor and Kuz Kunar Districts of Nangarhar province to find the vulnerable families and support them financially to stand back and pass a few months happily with their children.

Under General Food Distribution and Cash Based Transfers Project, funded by World Food Programme (WFP) and implemented by Vision Development Organization (VDO), the vulnerable beneficiaries and the families were assessed by the door-to-door survey, conducted in both districts to find the most needy-families who are at the greatest risk of poverty.
In the assessment process, totally 1926 vulnerable families were found, 1018 in Kuz Kunar and 908 in Dare-e-Noor districts to receive cash and food to live a happy life.
Afte the door-to-door assessment, those assessed beneficiaries were called to register them in the biometric system to transparently proceed the process and the deserving and assessed families receive the assistance.
All the families were scoped with a biometric machine and received the ration cards to gain the assistance provided by VDO and WFP.
During the distribution process, total 1018 families in Kuz Kunar District, every family received 2900 Afs and 1.5 kg LNS and 3 kg WSB under Cash Based Transfers (CBT) project and total 908 families in Dara-e-Noor District, every family received 50 kg flour, 4.72 kg oil, 6.250 kg pulses, 0.5 kg salt, 1.5 kg LNS and 3 kg WSB under General Food Distribution (GFD) project.
One of the head of family said, “I have nothing at home, my kids are small and I am nearly 60-year-old. I have no energy to feed my kids and provide them a two-time bread, in this hash winter, my kids have been collecting plastics and bottles on the streets and then we sell and buy some to eat. Life of us is in very bad condition, I lost my hope to live and stay with my family, my family needs food, and I can’t provide them, because of my age and my bad economic condition. My family is very happy to this assistance and we thank you for providing us food, this assistance will keep us alive, but we need more to stand on our feet and survive back.”
The project will be implemented on monthly base, and the selected beneficiaries will receive the same food and cash on 15-17 date of every month. This project is implementing by Vision Development Organization (VDO) and funded with the financial support of World Food Programme (WFP) in the eastern Afghanistan.